7 Best Supplements For Brain Health

Suffering With These Problems?


1. Why isn’t My Brain Working…

2. Losing Train of Thought…

3. How About Just A Fuzzy Feeling…



Brain Fog Fix Can Be Easier Than You Think…

Read Below To Find How The Super Supplements Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age… 

The brain is one of the most important organs that use 20 percent of the calories in the human body. Therefore, it requires a lot of nutrients and minerals to stay alert and healthy. Antioxidants help lower the risk of inflammation and stress, which are associated with neurodegenerative conditions and brain aging. Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, play a significant role in repairing and building brain cells. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best brain supplements to support both long-term and short-term functions. This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. This super supplement will dramatically help your brain function.


Resveratrol is a form of antioxidant that can be found in the skin of red and purple fruits, such as blueberries, raspberries, and grapes. It also occurs naturally in peanuts, chocolate, as well as red wine.

Scientists have proven that taking these supplements would help prevent the hippocampus from deteriorating. This is a key area in the brain that is responsible for memory. By taking resveratrol, the decline in your brain function can be slowed down when you become older.

In some animal studies, resveratrol super supplements could help boost brain function and memory. However, more human studies should be done to confirm the benefits of this antioxidant on brain function. It is easy to find these supplements in any drugstore.

Resveratrol (Pure) Capsules 


Fish oil supplements contain two powerful forms of omega3-fatty acids: EPA or eicosatetraenoic and DHA or docosahexaenoic acid. These elements have been associated with many brain health benefits.

EPA provides many anti-inflammatory effects that can prevent brain aging and damage. DHA plays an important part in maintaining the function and structure of the brain. Up to 90 percent of the omega-3 fat and 25 percent of the total fat in the body’s brain cells come from this fatty acid.

Some studies have shown that taking DHA supplements would help boost reaction times, memory, as well as thinking capacity in healthy individuals with low levels of DHA. Additionally, it can help those with a mild decline in brain function. EPA, on the other hand, is not always associated with better brain function. Nevertheless, it has been proved to benefit those individuals with depressions by improving their mood.

You can take fish oil super supplements containing both DHA and EPA to slow down reduced brain function, especially in the elderly. It is often recommended to take 1 gram of both EPA and DHA combined per day. Another option is to get these elements from the diet. Two portions of fish, such as mackerel, swordfish, tuna, trout, and salmon, each week are enough to provide the body with these health benefits.


Caffeine is probably one of the most consumed substances on the list. This natural stimulant can be found in dark chocolate, coffee, as well as tea. It can stimulate the central nervous system and brain, thus making you feel more alert and less tired. Some studies have also suggested caffeine can boost general brain function, reaction times, memory, and energy.

While you can take caffeine supplements, it is unnecessary since caffeine can be found in many foods and drinks. In most cases, the recommended daily intake of caffeine should be from 200 to 400 milligrams in healthy people to ensure safety and provide health benefits. Avoid taking too much as it may lead to some side effects and complications, such as insomnia, nausea, anxiety, or increase heart rate.


Ginkgo Biloba is derived from a plant of the same name. This herbal supplement is extremely popular in many parts of the world as many people take it to improve their brain function and is considered a super supplement.

Scientists believe that Ginkgo Biloba can help increase blood flow to the brain, thus boosting your brain power, such as memory and focus. Despite the popular usage of the supplement, there are still mixed results from research and studies about its effects. Overall, the supplement can improve thinking skills, memory, as well as reduce the decline in your brain function caused by aging.

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract Powder


Acetyl-L-carnitine is a type of amino acid that the human body can release naturally. It is necessary for metabolism, especially in the generation of energy. Taking this supplement can help slow down memory loss caused by aging, boost memory, as well as improve alertness.

In a few animal studies, scientists have found out that acetyl-L-carnitine super supplements are effective in boosting learning capacity as well as prevent age-related decline in brain function. Similarly, human studies have also shown some great benefits of the substance in slowing down the decline in human brain function related to aging. People with mild Alzheimer’s disease or dementia may also improve their symptoms.

Nevertheless, it is important to consult your healthcare provider before deciding to take Acetyl-L-Carnitine supplements to treat these conditions. Also, keep in mind that not everyone gets the same health benefits.


A phosphatidylserine is a form of a phospholipid, a fat compound that would be found in the brain. Many scientists find out that taking this supplement would help preserve brain function. The effects can be observed in those people who take around one hundred milligrams three times daily. Results show that decline in the brain function is significantly slowed down.

When the portion goes up to around 400 milligrams daily, it helps improve memory and thinking capabilities. Nevertheless, large studies and research are important to have a complete understanding. You can easily purchase phosphatidylserine supplements in any health or drug store.


Creatine is one of the most important supplements for athletes and fitness as it is important for energy metabolism. The substance can be naturally found in the body, especially in muscle cells and the brain. Interestingly, taking creatine supplements has been shown to improve your thinking capabilities and memory, especially in vegans, vegetarians, and those individuals who do not consume meat. In addition to taking supplements, creatine can be absorbed in the diet through many food options, especially animal sources like eggs, fish, as well as meat. This is one of the super supplements for active adults.

Creatine Monohydrate Capsules