The Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

Can’t Gain Muscle no Matter What?

Why Can’t I Gain Muscle?

Have You asked these questions before? The answers to those questions are below.

While diet and training come first, you can build muscle way faster with supplements than without them. Many supplements are safe and have a variety of health benefits.

It is healthy to be strong, so anything that improves your overall health can help you gain muscle. Better food, vitamins, and sunshine all matter. The best supplements for muscle growth often have multiple health benefits.

These are the supplements you should start with. All of them are either popular or rapidly becoming popular.

Before you start experimenting with less well-known supplements that might not do much of anything, try everything on this list. Everything we list here is likely to make an immediately noticeable difference.


Creatine is the best muscle-building supplement you can get. It is legal everywhere, cheap, safe, and effective []. It helps you build muscle in more than one way.

Creatine draws water into your muscles, which helps you perform better at the gym and strain your muscles harder. It also converts into phosphocreatine, which is stored in your muscles. Phosphocreatine helps your muscles convert phosphates into ATP and ATP into energy [].

If you work out while on creatine, your muscle cells are better hydrated, which will help you train harder. You will also perform better because of the extra energy that your muscles can use while on creatine. Harder training does more damage to your muscles, and muscles get stronger after damage.

Since creatine raises ATP and ATP is necessary for everything [] the body does, creatine improves your health in many other ways. Creatine gives you healthier bones, helps your body metabolize glucose better, and improves brain performance []. Creatine’s multiple mechanisms of action make it one of the best supplements for muscle growth.

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Testosterone boosters

Testosterone levels have been declining [] for decades – and not by a little. The decrease is fast and has been going on for a long time. Chemicals in the environment might explain most of it, but lifestyle changes might also play a part.

People spend less time in the sun, eat more processed food, are less physically active, and sleep less than they did 50 years ago. People work more hours than they used to. Chronic, low-grade stress reduces rather than increases testosterone.

Building muscle can raise your testosterone, which can help you build more muscle and may make you feel more motivated at the gym. This creates a positive feedback loop that helps you get in great shape and improve your life. You can also spend more time in the sun, sleep more, and find healthy ways to reduce stress.

However, you cannot fully avoid chemicals – you can do your best to avoid them, but estrogenic chemicals are everywhere. For this reason, you might need to use testosterone-boosting supplements [] . You can use supplements to counteract the effects of the chemicals everyone encounters.

D-Aspartic Acid

This is a quite effective amino acid that may work very well, although there is some evidence against it. D-aspartic acid raises testosterone indirectly.

First, it increases follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. These hormones then lead to higher testosterone production.

Research shows that the amino acid may raise testosterone [], improve fertility [], and increase muscle mass independently of testosterone []. However, the evidence is not one-sidedly good.

Other evidence shows that d-aspartic acid may not work [] or may even lower testosterone if you take too much of it []. Some research shows that it makes a significant difference; other research shows that it doesn’t do much.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is extremely easy to get – you can get enough of it from the sun, from foods, or from supplements. However, many people are still deficient, which leads to low testosterone and health problems.

It is best to get a lot of vitamin D, not just a little. You might both spend more time in the sun and start taking supplements. More than one study suggests that vitamin D raises testosterone [] and lack of vitamin D lowers it [].



DHEA is the most potent legal non-prescription substance you can find if you want to raise your testosterone. Many people who try DHEA keep taking it for life. DHEA can give you better skin, fat loss, more sexual energy, improved mental performance, and fat loss, as well as more muscle mass [] .

Like D-aspartic acid, the evidence is mixed []. Not every study shows that DHEA is a great muscle-building supplement. However, so many people report such superior results with DHEA that it is clearly worth trying.

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Sleep Supplements

Getting a lot of high-quality sleep is also vital if you want to build muscle. The quality of your sleep is just as important as the amount, so you are not always doing great just because you are sleeping 8 hours a night.

Supplements can help you sleep better and build muscle faster. Remember that muscle growth happens when you are resting, not when you are training. Good recovery is just as important as hard training.


Melatonin is your body’s main natural sleep hormone. Supplementing with melatonin is safe and effective.

People use it to treat insomnia, avoid jet lag, and build muscle faster [] . While many sleeping pills are bad for you and are associated with higher death rates, melatonin has health benefits [] .

When you are sleeping after a hard training session, you need to produce growth hormone [] to recover and get stronger. If you take melatonin before bed, your levels of growth hormone will be higher. It may also be beneficial to take melatonin half an hour or an hour before you train [] .



While glycine is becoming better known, it is still underrated. This is a great supplement for about anyone. It is a natural amino acid that you cannot easily get enough of in your diet, and it has countless health benefits.

Glycine will often give you very vivid and wonderful dreams, especially the first few times you take it. Glycine helps you produce more collagen [], which makes your skin look healthier and better. The benefits of glycine do not max out until you take about fifteen grams per day [], which is far more than what your body can make naturally or what you are likely to get in your diet.

Glycine helps you maintain and build muscle [] at all ages, from younger athletes to retired people who don’t have much muscle left. It helps your body produce creatine naturally [], provides cells with energy, and helps you use nutrients more effectively. It also increases hormones [] necessary for muscle growth.



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